Staying safe online

The e-safety day at Broomhill First School.The e-safety day at Broomhill First School.
The e-safety day at Broomhill First School.
Broomhill First School held a Safer Internet Day assembly on Tuesday.

Pictured is visitor PC Susan McCallum and the school councillors.

Activities took place all day within classes to promote internet safety and parents were invited in for an assembly.

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Elaine Brindle, e-safety coordinator at the school, said: “E-safety is a big part of our curriculum as it is so important in today’s digital world and are very proud that our children have such a good understanding of staying safe online. They know what to do and who to tell if anything makes them feel uncomfortable or worried while they are on the internet. This early understanding is providing them with a good foundation for using the internet responsibly in the future as they grow up and become more independent.”